Thursday, October 23, 2008

Week 12 Reflective Post

I think the weblogs were useful for learning purposes. I thought that you were forced to put more time and effort into thinking through the readings than you probably would in a tute. I also enjoyed the weblog's flexibility. Not having to go to a tutorial at a set time each week was great! It meant I could do my blog post's on the weekend, late at night... whenever I had a spare moment!
I am still not sold on the cyborg idea... I can understand Haraway's argument, but I believe to be a cyborg you need to be made-up of part of a machine, such as prosethic limbs etc, I do wear glasses occassionally, but I am not fully convinced that they would make me a cyborg...
The things I most liked about this unit was the way tutorials were broken up into halves- half being in-class tutes and half being posts on this blog. The usual routine of going to a tutorial at the same time and day every week does get monotonous, and it was good to be able to break up this routine a bit!
The think I most disliked about this unit was probably some of the workshops. While some week's topics were quite interesting, some other weeks were slightly less captulating.
All in all, though I quite enjoyed this unit :)

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