Friday, October 24, 2008

Reflective Post

I found the weblogs useful because it provided a more flexible arrangement to tutorials. However, I found it difficult to clarify concepts using the weblogs. Overall though the weblogs worked for me, it was a nice change of pace and useful to put theory into practise. It actually felt strange having face to face discussions in tutorials after webloging.

I still do not feel entirely comfortable identifying as, or being perceived as, a cyborg. The concept is great but I would prefer a different term. The term cyborg feels dated and stirs up images of cartoon aliens rather than offering future for feminism. The unit felt like a history of the internet and cyberspace and it was useful to have an understanding of the founding concepts. It was difficult at times to apply the theories in a contemporary context. That said, I enjoyed this unit and hope more units go online.

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