Monday, November 3, 2008

Reflective Post

I'm sorry this is so LATE but I completely forgot we had to do one of these!! I really liked the blog aspect of this unit, and found that it was really useful in distinguishing certain ideas and different opinions from everyone in the tute. It also gave me an opportunity to think about what to say and what the issue really meant to me...instead of just thinking of random stuff like in a regular tutorial!

I found this unit overall really interesting - especially with the evolution of technology and the virtual world. I'm pretty sure the line between human and machine will continue to become even more blurred as technology evolves...we'll probably look back on this day and wonder what all the fuss was about with virtualized worlds and cyborgs! I mean we depend so much on technology and machines nowadays its hard to think what life would be without them...therefore human/machine relations are probably somewhere in the future - its just a matter of when.

1 comment:

Maija said...

Hey, Where was it said that we had to do a reflection post? O thought the final tute was the reflection.
Maybe I have completely missed this, but at least the unit outline doesn't mention anything...