Thursday, September 11, 2008

Workshop Response to Menu-Driven Identities

Well, my internet connection is having a bit of a moment so I was only able to access the Lavalifeinternet as the medium to seek out potential partners. I searched for a while under these default settings and noticed that all the men were a variation on the same theme - trying to be friendly, fun, light-hearted, non-threatening. As the men got older in my searches, I found they were less likely to try and appear 'wacky'. What interested me most is how large a proportion of the applicants were white - with some listing their ethnicity as 'other'. Other than white? I did try to get onto the page where you establish a profile for yourself but it wanted me to enter lots of details before that stage so I chickened out. Also interesting to note, every single male I looked at either didn't smoke or was 'trying to quit' and only drank 'socially' - are people afraid to reveal their vices at this early stage? Probability tells us that some of these applicants must love their cigarettes, or sometimes drink a little more than is 'socially acceptable.' I would have thought that the drop-down menu answers available to applicants are possibly a little limiting, and people would be able to convey far more of their personalities if given the chance to reply for themselves. Sure, they'd probably get less interest, but at least they could stand out from the competition!
site. The default search engine settings on the homepage where not surprising to me: aimed at women in the demographic most likely to be active on the dating scene and technologically proficient enough to employ the

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